Saturday, January 14, 2006

Let The Bitchfest Begin

I'm convinced over a long enough timespan every writer will fall into the "I'm right and you're wrong" syndrome. I have fallen into this trap long before my first post went up on this blog; fortunately I am dramaticly aware of the irony of the fact that I am calling people wrong while my own tastes are, at best, questionable.

I was reading Tom's blog the other day, and he brought up many irrelevant points about awards shows, but he also brought up a few good ones. We can assume he just may be ignorant of the situation between the The New Pantheon Music Prize and the Shortlist Music Prize. It is a carbon copy because it's SUPPOSED to be a carbon copy, created by many of the same people.

I find it interesting that people like Tom are so critical of the Grammys and yet so accepting of the Oscars (though if I recall, we were both pretty upset when Bjork was snubbed for Best Actress in Dancer In the Dark). It's a phenomenon that no one remembers the Oscars fucking up (go through a list and REALLY look at how many films you've seen), but people seem to remember the Grammys. So, on the note of positivity, I would like to say I am very happy that Beck has won a Grammy. (Oh, yeah, and "Weird" Al can say he is a multi-Grammy award winner.)

I could go on here (and I could start another paragraph with the word "I"), but I think the most telling comes from this little bit: My roommate Andrew Parks and Riff Raff are both Plug Advisory Board members; no one asked me so fuck people. Wow, first he rant about how this awards are bullshit and noone cares about them, then his TRUE feelings come out. Basicly, he's a crybaby. When he asks, "Who really gives a fuck?" His answer should be, "I DO!!!" Yeah, I'm sure the Plug Awards want some whiney asshole on their nominating board, who self-admits he really doesn't even understand the rules anyway. Seriously, think about it.


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