Monday, November 14, 2005

Quintron @ Some Loft Space, November 12, 2005

The first thing you will probably notice that sets this blog apart from the one I posted earlier is the lack of pictures. It's not that I didn't want to take pictures, it's just that this show was, uh, rather crazy to say the least...more on that in a big.

One of the bands to open up was Aa (it's not pronounced Aaaaah!). I've seen Aa a couple of times now, but the only time I actually thought they sounded good was at a show were everyone else said the sound was horrible. This show has a lot of visuals like people dancing in sheets (maybe they were supposed to be ghosts)...unfortunately, I couldn't really SEE exactly what this spectacle was.

Following Aa was some marching band. My god, was this annoying. After pushing an already overcrowded bunch back, the band proceeds to do their marching band thing. ::Yawn:: I've seen it before; I'm over this idea. No, we aren't going to dance...we're just fucking sick and tired. It's late. We want to see the band we've come to see...........

Quintron. Okay, okay, so after seeing Quintron and Miss Pussycat I'm making some new rules. for shows.

One (For the band playing). Your friends have probably seen you so many times, they will probably see you again. There's no reason to call them to the front of the room at the beginning of your set.

Two (For audience members). Do not promote your show by being some sort of fat asshole who decides to semi-mosh through the crowd throwing flyers out. I was actually considering attending the Vietnam show tonight at Scenic...until I realized it was the douchebag throwing out little pieces of paper were for that show. Call me petty.

Three. There are reasons clubs have fire codes on maximum capacity. Apparently, stages also form a useful function in clubs. Who knew?

Four. $10 is too much for a shitty loft party.

Over all, though, I did enjoy Quintron's set...even if it was another band I didn't actually get to see that evening. I probably would've been better seeing him at the Mercury Lounge the next night instead. Oh, well.


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