Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ash Wednesday: When Catholics Are Like The Goth Kids From My High School

As I was coming home last night, I noticed some shit on people's foreheads. It had completely slipped my mind until that point that it was Ash Wednesday when the fashion sense of Catholics around the world and the goth kids from my old high school unite their fashion senses for some reason or another.

I don't claim to understand the religiousness behind Ash Wednesday, but I do know that a lot of priests must have shaky hands or poor eyesight, as far too many of these crosses look like UPSIDEDOWN CROSSES. I mean, it's goth either way, but one way is certain NOT Catholic.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Someone Beat You To The Idea, Arcade Fire!

In a recent interview with NME, Win Butler from The Arcade Fire said the following:
"There's nothing less interesting to me than the idea of marketing the fuck out of something so people are forced to like it. Some bands are just manipulating people to buy music. That's how 90 per cent of the record industry works! It's basically the same as selling a fucking toaster or a cruise package."
Poor, poor, Arcade Fire. Don't they know someone already did that:

Apparently Toaster even had a solo project (though I can no longer find evidence of it). More information on Cock Robot can be found here:

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Monday, February 19, 2007

No One Cares About Your Fucking Bald Ass Head

No one cares about your fucking bald ass head, or your bald ass vagina. In fact, we probably think it's kind of hot. If you are nutty enough to go around and do this to yourself, who knows what other kind of nutty things you are capable of? We have seen some of these things first hand, of course, and now we realize the truth.

If it's possible for K-Fed to get into your skanky ass vagina, it is possible for us. Therein lies the hope for all men everywhere.

This shaved head is not a symbol of Britney's craziness, but a collective male orgy of masturbation around the world proving once and for all...fucking Britney is so possible, it's just a matter of finding the opportunity.