Friday, February 24, 2006


Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm A Self Absorbed Fuck, That's Why I Blog

I've haven't had many dis posts, but I've feel I've shat on the Village Voice blogs perhaps more than I should (though I maintain that some cases deserve to be shat upon). However, my old friend Tom recently posted a memorial to Jay Dee where an interesting comment was left:

It's a shame that Jay didn't get press like this while he was alive. If you weren't a fan of his up until Saturday, why bother writing a posthumous tribute? You're not honoring him by critiquing his work, you're only honoring yourself. Let the man rest in peace. The greatness and honesty of his work speaks for itself, which is more that yours or any other insincere blog tribute could ever say.

I will give Tom some credit; I really don't think he was insincere in his tribute. I've known the guy, cripes, seven or so years now, and (in this case) do not doubt his motives for a moment. However, it does say a lot about the blogosphere, doesn't it?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Are You Crapping Me?

1) Restaurant Reviews - MONSTER JAM
2) Album Reviews - Jam
3) David Bowie Album Review - Crap!
4) A Million Nuggets Reviews - Boring Crap!
5) Concept - Jam

JAM TO CRAP SCORE: (5/15) -*33.3%*

reviewed by: No One Cares About Your Fucking Blog

Friday, February 03, 2006 Proves Equally Annoying In The Non-Digital World

And the award for douchbaggery goes to:

For those of you that missed The Plug Awards, you probably missed this guy making a jackass out of himself. Apparently, he writes for the Village Voice and, and he also thinks he's funny. In reality, reading poorly from an article in the New Yorker when you are supposed to be making an awards announcement is just annoying.

Update: I got a very nice link from Brooklyn Vegan about this. I've also gotten a few questions about this whole incident, as apparently I am the first person to blog about it (my theory being he doesn't deserve credit for this asshat of a stunt on a blog anyone actually reads). He opened up with the talk of having fun at Plug, but wanting to address something more serious. After an oh-so-tasteful reference to Hurricane Katrina, he went into the New Yorker piece. The article was about Pit Bulls. The text of the article he read from can currently be found HERE.